Wednesday, August 22, 2012

blue bear

For any parents out there that has a kid that had a stuffed animal that they loved a lot that ended up needing to be replaced: did they have a hard time adjusting to the new one? Henry has gotten hooked on this blue bear, and we preemptively bought a spare to put in the closet, but I'm wondering if we should once in a while switch the bears, so they both wear down at the same rate. I don't know if there would be a problem if his current bear got ragged, and then got lost, only to be replaced with a brand new one. Do kids even notice that kind of thing? This is the first time Henry has really gotten hooked on a certain toy. 

My other (probably silly) concern is switching the bears back and forth, I kind of feel like I'm, I dunno, tricking my kid or something. He would think that it was the same bear, and have memories attached to it, but it would actually be two different bears. So in 20 years or whatever, if he still has one of the bears, he will have memories attached to the bear that he has in 20 years, but not all the memories will be attached to that bear. Maybe that is silly, I dunno. I guess the only thing that matters is the memories Henry has, not so much the object itself. But at the same time, I'm 28 now, and I still miss my little stuffed bear sometimes, even though I haven't seen it in at least 10 years. Good ol' Judgar.


  1. First I need to point out that the font on this post is kinda tiny. Might wanna look into that.

    As for the animal, I don't have a real answer. I once bought an extra of a Winnie the Pooh plush that i thought was going to be his favorite but it never happened. Then out of the blue, he fell for this little stuffed monkey and it was discontinued before I could buy a back up.

    I scoured the internet and Ebay and even contacted the company to see if they had extras laying around. They did not and they had switched manufacturing companies and the new monkeys looked nothing like the old ones. I did however end up with a couple of the new ones that were half the size. His original was named Momo and he started calling the new one (I only gave him one) LIttle Momo or Baby Momo. We use Baby Momo for travel and are super careful with Big Momo as he's now known.

    I've heard kids do know the difference but I can't attest to that personally. Also, I think you have some time to decide what to do because he probably wouldn't notice a difference for a while. My suggestion might be to wash the one he uses every now and then because I've heard kids can get attached to the smell of an unwashed plush. That would be hard to replace. You can always throw the unused one in the wash occasionally too, to simulate some of the wear.

    This discussion does remind me of that commercial where a mom opens a brand new stuffed bear or dog or something and proceeds to trash it by washing the car with it and running over it a few times so it looks like an old one that was lost. Remember that?

    1. Most of this story is actually on my blog from like a year ago. Forgot about that!
